So to catch everyone up, I recently became unemployed as of February 25, 2011. I appreciate my last job in that it taught me a lot professionally and personally. As a result, I think I have more opportunities open to me than I would have if I had just stayed at one of my previous jobs. It was definitely time for me to part ways although I should have probably quit a long time ago. I was going to launch into a tirade about it, but then I thought better of it since it's quite possible someone might even find me through this blog and offer me a job. (Oh, wishful thinking, you are amusing.)
One of the things I'm finding I greatly dislike about applying for jobs is that a lot of employers have their own applications and logins that they want you to create and basically type the same information that is on your resume over and over and over again. Does anyone really know why they do this? Usually those same sites will ask you to also attach your resume. I find doing all of this redundant.
I'm trying to maintain my sanity by dedicating some time every day to searching and applying. I've contacted people I've worked with in the past and even some of my former vendors to see if there's anything available there.
I would really like to get a job soon so that I can go back to some sort of routine instead of mostly being a housewife which isn't too hard right now since it's just me, the husband, and two cats.
Now that I'm blogging about this adventure, I'd like some suggestions! I've never blogged before, and even though I will keep my blog grammatically corrected and all that, I'm wondering what to put where. Since I'm blogging about my job search, should I put up my resume in case a potential employer wanders by? Is that a bad idea? Should I take my personal information off of it?
Also, feel free to share your own personal stories of job losses, searches, and even bad boss posts just to amuse me.
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